Paying your invoice online is a safe, secure, and easy way to ensure your invoice gets paid, and it can save you time and money.
Our website and Client Portal are scanned and tested regularly by SecurityMetrics to ensure our website is secure, and we adhere to and pass all online payment requirements for security.
When paying your invoice online, you can either pay using a credit/debit card, or you can choose to pay with PayPal.
If you choose to pay with a credit/debit card, you have one of the following options to choose from:
- Save your Credit/Debit card to your account
- Save your Credit/Debit card to your account & Enroll in AutoPay
- Not save your Credit/Debit card, and only make a one time payment
You can also choose to pay using PayPal if you wish.
To pay your invoice online:
- Go to
- On the top navigation bar, click on Client Portal Sign In
- On the sign in page, enter in your Email address or username and your Password.
- If you don't remember your password, click on Lost your Password at the bottom of the page
- If you don't remember your password, click on Lost your Password at the bottom of the page
- Once you verify your account using 2 Factor Authentication, you will be on your Client Portal home page.
- Click on Billing and Payments to view all of your invoices, either from the top navigation bar, or from the link in the center of the page.
- Now you will in your Billing and Payments center.
- Click on the Invoice Title in the center of the page to view the invoice.
- Once inside the invoice, click on the green button at the top of the page saying Pay Invoice
- Next select your payment method.
- The first option is for credit card payment on the site
- The second option is to pay using PayPal.
- The first option is for credit card payment on the site
- After clicking on the payment method, follow the on screen instructions and complete all the required payment fields.
- Once the invoice has been successfully paid online, you will be redirected to that invoice, and you will see a green "PAID" stamp on the top of the invoice.